Saturday, March 17, 2007

Cute girls and a nerd (Sketch dump part 2)

Aww. Poor nerd. You'll get her someday! And until then, you've got pop tarts!

I'm not quite as happy with this one as I could be. I like it, but I want to redraw it and make it better.

This drawing and the next are my favorites from this sketchbook. Her left leg is a little too long, though. But I'll fix that if I ever do a cleaned up version.

I love her. *heart* Might want to tweak the face a bit if I redraw it, though.

Piercings are fun to draw. Also, I wish this was a caricature and not some made up person.


KC said...

I love the lips and hair on the tough girl sketch. (Is she nekkid from the boobs down?)

Stephoodle said...

No, she's not nekkid. The lines forming her teeny panties are just too faint. Ha.

Anonymous said...

Hi you are sooo talented. What a coinsidence my name is also Stephanie Burrows too but everyone calls me Stevie B