Monday, March 26, 2007

Characters maybe?

I miss drawing comics. A lot. Or maybe it's just that I miss having some sort of direction when I draw, or having a project to work on. Anywho, I drew these folks today as character ideas. I started with that design of myself from those previous sketches and drew some other people around that idea/style. I kind of like it. I may do something with them later.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Okay, one more post (AKA in park stuffs)

I forgot that I figures out how to send pictures from my cellphone to my email. YAY. These are some sketches I did at work last week. MAN I could have done so much better. I'm definitely going to try drawing the couple again for fun because I have better pictures in my head of what I'd want to do. And the old lady was a hoot. She got this as a gift for her son for his birthday.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Another sketch dump, part 2!!

Just a few more sketches tonight. There's still a few more good ones left in this book, but I'm kinda tired so they'll have to wait.

Creepy face. In grey marker.

Another creepy thing. Also, a manatee butt.

I heart this drawing. I joked with Aeire that I should make it into a children's book about manners, and she gave me a title: Susie Share and the Rather Rude Bear.

The next two drawings were from photos I found on, a stock photo website I like to use for reference sometimes. I wish I'd bookmarked the photos. I used a litho crayon for both of them. I like the waxy texture.

Another sketch dump

These are from my current sketchbook, which is about five pages from full.

I really like how the chick with the iPod turned out.

Anne and Dejon were drawing little girls with rats tied in their hair, and I don;t know why. They told me I should draw one too.

This is my response to discovering the animated series "The Batman", which has to be the lamest name for a show ever. I mean, he's not THE Batman. He's just BATMAN. Also, I really hate the character designs. They bug me on a structural level.

I wish I could get away with wearing stuff like that. I'm just not cool enough.

Apparently, this chick does not seem to fine ninja pigs very exciting.

These were redesigns of some characters of mine that I never did anything with. The one on the left kind of ended up looking like me. So I did a few drawings of myself using a similar design.

I drew myself as the statue of liberty for some reason.

And then as a pissed off ballerina fairy princess. I kind of want to work a cleaned up version of this into my website design, once I get my portfolio site up.

I don't know who that guy is, but MAN I can be a bitch sometimes.

More to come later.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Drawing at Lestat's

Today I hung out with my friend Kat, who I haven't seen in ages. We decided to go sketch at Lestat's.

This lady was reading and listening to something on her headphones. I was playing around with markers.

This is me, drawn with a brush pen and hastily colored in photoshop after I got home.

Good times.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Another creepy drawing

I drew this at Lestat's one night. Playing with marker. Some blue pencil, too, for some of the shading.

Ballpoint pen sketches

Here are a bunch of random ballpoint pen sketches I found on my desk.

I like drawing creepy stuffs.

More kids should ask to be drawn with prairie dogs. Seriously. But the hot new rodent of today is the meerkat.

Cute girls and a nerd (Sketch dump part 2)

Aww. Poor nerd. You'll get her someday! And until then, you've got pop tarts!

I'm not quite as happy with this one as I could be. I like it, but I want to redraw it and make it better.

This drawing and the next are my favorites from this sketchbook. Her left leg is a little too long, though. But I'll fix that if I ever do a cleaned up version.

I love her. *heart* Might want to tweak the face a bit if I redraw it, though.

Piercings are fun to draw. Also, I wish this was a caricature and not some made up person.

Finally (Sketch dump part one)

So here I am, finally using this blogger account for something. Yay. I'm posting two sketch dumps from my last sketchbook. And in a few days I'll post some stuff from my current sketchbook, and maybe any odd drawings I have laying about. Anywho. Sketches. Yes.

I did this drawing when I was at Lestat's sketching with a few friends from work. Anne was drawing a really unsexy cartoon of herself trying to be sexy, so I thought I'd try the same. Gotta love them sexy freckles on the top of my calves from wearing shorts at work all summer! MMHMM!!

The refusal of mudpie. It's an acquired taste.

This is Aaron, a guy I work with. Dejon was drawing him for a life drawing class assignment, so I thought I'd draw him too.

Uh, this is Marie Antoinette. From the recent past's view of the future. Right. And a girl that may or may not be me smirking at her.

I'm not exactly sure what possessed me to draw this, but it made me giggle.